When you are talking about sewing pattern paper it could be one of two things. The first you’ll most likely be familiar with, it’s the paper a purchased pattern is printed on. The pattern pieces (I.e. bodice, sleeves..etc) and their size lines will be printed on either a tissue or white paper. For Experimental Space patterns, your pattern will be printed on thick white paper. It is much less likely to tear, more durable to do alterations like FBAs, and generally lasts longer.
The first you’ll most likely be familiar with, it’s the paper a purchased pattern is printed on. The pattern pieces (I.e. bodice, sleeves..etc) and their size lines will be printed on either a tissue or white paper. For Experimental Space patterns, your pattern will be printed on thick white paper. It is much less likely to tear, more durable to do alterations like FBAs, and generally lasts longer.
The second type is a transparent paper used for tracing a copy of your pattern. This copy would then be used instead of your original to keep it in perfect, and reusable condition. As long as you’ve traced out the right size, the copy will also be reusable many times!
I would definitely suggest you trace off a copy of your chosen size instead of cutting the original. If you’ve chosen the wrong size the first time around, need a new size in the future or damage your copy, you’ll still have the original to copy from again.
Both types of paper are shown in the image above. The printed pattern is shown on the upper half, and the tracing paper is overlaid on the bottom half. This shows how you can see and trace the lines from the original pattern.
Where to find it?
Printed copies: Looking for a printed copy of any Experimental Space pattern? You can get a full copy by clicking here and choosing your pattern. Just want a replacement copy of the pattern pieces printed on white 90gsm? You can find a copy here instead.
Tracing paper: The tracing paper I use is also really thick and durable, while still being able to see very clearly through it to copy the lines. Looking for somewhere to buy sewing pattern paper? I buy my paper in a large 20m roll from here: Click here to see details of the same paper I buy on Amazon.
I hope that helps explain what sewing pattern paper is. If you have any questions please get in touch, I’d love to help!