Really quick and easy fingerless gloves pattern
Things you need:
– 100g DK weight yarn
– 4mm needles
Stitch Definitions
KFB (Knit in front and back)
– Good tutorial here: How to KFB
PFB (Purl in front and back)
– Good video on here (scroll down to PFB definition) How to PFB
C4F (4st Cable at front)
– Slip next 2 sts off left needle onto a cable needle at the front of the work, k2, knit 2 stitches from cable needle
C4B (4st Cable at back)
– Slip next 2 sts off left needle onto a cable needle at the back of the work, k2, knit 2 stitches from cable needle
SKPO (Slip 1, knit 1, pass slip stitch over)
– Slip next stitch onto right hand needle, k1, pass slipped st over knit st
Left Cable Pattern
Row 1: k7, p2, k8, p2, k25
Row 2: p25, k2, p8, k2, p7
Repeat rows 1 & 2 once
Row 5: k7, p2, c4f, c4b, p2, k25
Repeat row 2
Repeat row 1 and 2 again
Right Cable Pattern
Row 1: k25, p2, k8, p2, k7
Row 2: p7, k2, p8, k2, p25
Repeat rows 1 & 2 once
Row 5: k25, p2, C4F, C4B, p2, k7
Repeat row 2
Repeat row 1 and 2 again
Left Thumb
CO 22 sts
Row 1: K2 * p2, k2 * (Repeat from *-* to end)
Row 2: P2 * k2, p2 * (Repeat from *-* to end)
Repeat Row 1 once more
Row 4: Rib 14 sts, cast off 8 sts, put the 14 remaining sts on a holder
Put sts on a holder for later
Left glove
CO 42 sts
Row 1: K2 * p2, k2 * Repeat from *-* until end
Row 2: P2 * k2, p2 * Repeat from *-* until end
Repeat Row 1 once more
Row 4: Rib 29 sts, pfb, rib 2, pfb, rib until end (44 sts)
Rows 5 – 12: Knit one full round of the left cable pattern
Row 13: Left cable pattern for 22 sts, cast of 6 sts, knit to end
Row 14: Purl 16 sts, purl across 14 thumb sts from stitch holder, continue in cable pattern until end (52 sts)
Row 15: Left cable pattern for 22 sts, skpo, k10, k2tog, knit to end
Row 16: Cable pattern
Row 17: Cable pattern 22 sts, skpo, k8, k2tog, knit to end
Row 18: Cable pattern
Row 19: Cable pattern 22 sts, skpo, k6, k2tog, knit to end
Row 20: Cable pattern
Row 21: Cable pattern 1 st, skpo, k4, k2tog, knit to end
Row 22: Cable pattern
Continue pattern until it reaches just past the bottom of your palm with RS facing
Knit 1 row
* k2, p2 * Repeat from *-* to end
* p2, k2 * Repeat from *-* to end
Repeat last two rows 4 more times
Cast off loosely. Done one glove!
Right Thumb
CO 22 sts
Row 1: K2 * p2, k2 * (Repeat from *-* to end)
Row 2: P2 * k2, p2 * (Repeat from *-* to end)
Repeat Row 1 once more
Row 4: Cast off 8 sts, rib to end, put the 14 remaining sts on a holder
Right glove
CO 42 sts
Row 1: K2 * p2, k2 * Repeat from *-* until end
Row 2: P2 * k2, p2 * Repeat from *-* until end
Repeat Row 1 once more
Row 4: Rib 11 sts, kfb, rib 2, kfb, rib until end (44 sts)
Rows 5 – 12: Knit one full round of the right cable pattern
Row 13: K16, cast off 6 sts, continue in pattern until end
Row 14: Cable pattern for 22 sts, purl across 14 thumb sts from stitch holder, purl until end (52 sts)
Row 15: Knit 16 sts, skpo, k10, k2tog, cable pattern to end
Row 16: Cable pattern until end
Row 17: Knit 16 sts, skpo, k8, k2tog, cable pattern to end
Row 18: Cable pattern until end
Row 19: Knit 16 sts, skpo, k6, k2tog, cable pattern to end
Row 20: Cable pattern until end
Row 21: Knit 16 st, skpo, k4, k2tog, cable pattern to end
Row 22: Cable pattern until end
Continue pattern until it reaches just past the bottom of your palm with RS facing
Knit 1 row
* k2, p2 * Repeat from *-* to end
* p2, k2 * Repeat from *-* to end
Repeat last two rows 4 more times
Cast off loosely, two sides done!
Join cast off sts of thumb to cast off sts of main glove pieces.
You’re done!